In the current financial climate, many companies are feeling the pinch to cut costs without reducing the level of services and support provided by IT departments. However, though IT is a significant cost for most businesses and organisations, when investment in IT is made intelligently it actually cuts costs in other areas and can markedly improve productivity.

Companies around the world are finding that maintaining bloated internal IT departments is not cost-effective; many executives are moving towards outsourced IT support, hosted cloud-based services, and other forms of IT-as-a-service to improve the bottom line and lower Total Cost of Ownership.

The majority of organisations cannot afford to maintain a comprehensive support team with the full spectrum of skills and experience required to keep staff fully productive and the operations ticking over. Managed services from AceNet Solutions enable you to save money by reducing downtime, maximising user productivity, only paying for the services you really need, and lowering total cost of ownership through simplified server and desktop management.

Benefits to your organization can include:

  • Lower desktop total costs, including operating system upgrades and hardware refresh cycles
  • Predictable monthly costs
  • Reliable desktop support
  • Improved service levels
  • Minimal business disruptions

Another strategy which can result in large savings for organisations with multiple offices is that of implementing a Private WAN (Wide Are Network); connecting each office to one another and to a head office via dedicated broadband links which have the effect of creating a network inaccessible from the public internet - the modern equivalent of the old Leased Lines.

Especially for companies which transfer large amounts of voice and data between offices, this can result in a dramatic savings in voice tolls and data charges - voice savings via Voice over IP telephony, which in a private network situations can reduce call costs to as little as $0; and some broadband carriers do not charge for the transfer of on-network data between branches.